Your stewardship in 2022 allowed us to reach several of our goals for the year. year. We hired a Director of Music Ministries, expanded the St. David's Institute resources and events, created a Community Connections ministry which allowed us to build on-ramps into St. David's from the local community, continued our outreach efforts, and launched Alpha.
Hearts continued to grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord through our weekly worship, discipleship programs, and Christian education.
With that inspiration, our stewardship theme for 2023 is “Stewardship: the Muscle of Ministry.”
To You
The primary reason for our existence is to direct the praise of creation back to the Creator. One of the ways we express our worship is through stewardship. While your financial giving is directed to St. David's, it is actually being given back to God, out of what he has already given you, as an act of praise and obedience.
All Hearts
The call to stewardship is not to a select few - to the richest or the most pious among us - but to every single follower of Christ.
Are Open
Interestingly, the ancient understanding of heart was much more broad than our own which is often relegated to simply emotions. To the Hebrews, heart meant the seat of life, strength, reason, courage, grief, and pleasure. To open up our hearts means much more than an emotional response to God, but rather, to commit to opening the fullness of our existence to him.