

Our stewardship is a lifestyle oriented toward God by giving to him from the abundance that he has given us, as an act of worship. When it comes to the spiritual practice of giving, it is essential that we understand that God is the subject of our stewardship and we are not. We honor the Lord with our time, talents, and treasure in obedience to his call.

At St. David’s, we recognize a 10% tithe as the Biblical standard for stewardship, but we also know that stewardship is an area in which we are formed daily and not in a day. Perhaps a 10% tithe is easy for you, but if it’s not, know that it’s the heart of obedience God desires more than our finances. The Gospel of Luke (Luke 21:1-4) tells the story of the poor widow who gave two small copper coins and Jesus acknowledged her gift as one of abundance.

Making an annual pledge, regardless of amount or percentage, enables us to plan for the upcoming year. Your pledge is not a legal contract, but simply a step of faith that “all things come from you, and of your own have we given you.” (1 Chronicles 29:14)

It is never too late to make a yearly pledge. If you have not already turned in a pledge card, you may do so using the form below.

To give a one-time or recurring gift using our safe and secure online giving portal, click the button below.

We encourage you to make estate plans while in good mental and physical health. Every individual should have a current and valid will, and in fact, the Book of Common Prayer gives a specific direction in this regard:

“The Minister of the Congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well-being of their families, and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for the disposal of their temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses.” (The Book of Common Prayer, page 445).

If you would like information about including St. David’s in your estate planning, please contact the church office. If you have already designated a gift to St. David’s in your estate plans, please let us know using the form below so we can thank you for continuing our mission and ministry in your legacy.



Flower Donations

The flowers on our altar are a beautiful symbol of our offerings to God. It’s a way that we praise Jesus for the life and hope that he gives us and a way that we honor loved ones and give thanks for our blessings.

At St. David’s, we invite all members of the parish to contribute flowers in offering. If you’d like to donate altar flowers in memory, thanksgiving, or celebration, please contact Jean LaPointe using the button below.