At St. David’s we believe that every member is a theologian.
The goal of the St. David’s Institute (SDI) is to provide discipleship and accessible theological training for St. David’s members and beyond.
For too long we have had a divorce between the theology taught in institutions of higher education and that of the local parish. Each and every person in the pews on a Sunday morning is a theologian, whether they realize it or not. By returning theology to the heart of the local parish, every member is equipped for Kingdom ministry and mission without the expensive degree and fancy piece of paper to prove it!
SDI serves two primary purposes:
First, it houses all of the discipleship programs at St. David’s by the Sea.
- Children’s Ministry
- Adult Christian Education
- Bible Study
- Special classes & seminars
Second, the St. David’s Institute provides helpful and practical resources for our members, our deanery, and our diocese.
The SDI resources equip our own members and community with robust theological education through printed materials, online resources, and special seminars and events.
Artist in Residence
In May of 2022, Fr. Porter announced that Jeanne Weaver will serve as the first Artist in Residence for the St. David’s Institute. “Jeanne will teach courses on painting, iconography, church art, and the liturgical arts. The vision of the SDI is to return theology to the heart of the parish and I believe that Jeanne’s artistic skills, creative mind, and theological passions will enhance our ability to live into and reach that vision,” he said.
To read Jeanne’s bio, click the button below or click here to view her website.
Resource Library
SDI is developing a Resource Library in the education wing of St. David’s by the Sea. Register below to be alerted when the library is live.