Beginning with Palm Sunday on March 24, these worship services should be understood and experienced as one long, continuous liturgy as we journey with Jesus, first to Jerusalem and then to the cross. We move through the events of Jesus’ death, burial, and look toward his resurrection on the third day. Holy Week is a deeply formative and transformative time in the church year and in the lives of Christians. We encourage you to attend as many of these services as you possibly can!
Palm Sunday - Sunday, March 24
Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist, Rite I (In-Person), 8:00AM
Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist, Rite II (In-Person and Livestreamed), 10:15AM
Maundy Thursday - March 28
Service of Holy Eucharist, Foot Washing, and Stripping of the Altar, 7:00PM
Good Friday - Friday, March 29
The Seven Last Words (In-Person), Noon
Good Friday Liturgy (In-Person and Livestreamed), 7:00PM
Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 30
Join us for a Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00AM. We will have lemonade and cookies after the hunt!
The Great Easter Vigil - Saturday, March 30
The early church believed the Great Easter Vigil to be the climax of the Paschal Triduum; during this ancient service the entire narrative of salvation is read and enacted liturgically, converts are baptized into the family of God, and the Church is given her first opportunity to proclaim, “Christos anesti! Christ is risen!”
Our service will begin at 6:00PM.
The Feast of the Resurrection - Sunday, March 31
Join us on Easter morning as we worship the risen Lord.
Service of Holy Eucharist, Rite I (Traditional) | 8:00AM
Service of Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Family) | 10:15AM